Flatlanders......Like I mentioned...it went well. I sold enough to be satisfied that the effort was worth it. It was a long day, but I had a great time talking with people and playing "store". The first thing that I sold out of was anything Mother's Day. Next time, I will be more aware of dates like that when I prepare. Also, people LOVE a bargain!! I had a box of OLD, OLD cards that I almost threw away, but in stead, decided to put out for .25 each....wouldn't you know it....people gobbled them up! All in all, it was a GRAND time and I would do it again!! Here's a picture of what my booth looked like at the beginning of the day....
Also, I had made a bunch of gift boxes.....here's a picture of one that I had left....
Stamping stuff....yesterday was my Scrapbooking Club. Once a month we make 2 12x12 pages.....I am really beginning to enjoy it. I haven't yet made any on my own, but now that Flatlander's is over I will have more time to stamp. Here is a picture of the 2 pages we made yesterday.....
Stampin' Up! is currently offering some fabulous promotions.....particularly for scrapbookers. Also, you can become a demonstrator for ONLY $75!!! Both of these promotions I will detail tomorrow....this post is just getting too long for even me!!
I still have my RAK welcome cards to post and it seems like something else, but I can't think of it now. The dust is beginning to settle from all the things that have been going on, so I will be better at being more prompt with my posts.
Until next time,
Find some time for stamping!!!
Blessings to you, Cindy
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